Early Childhood


Welcome to 3K!

This year, our classes are using the Creative Curriculum. In that curriculum we cover Beginning of the Year, Clothes, Trees, Buildings, Wheels, Reduce Reuse and Recycle. Teachers asses students using Teaching Strategies Gold where we track their growth over various domains of development. Students learn through play, large group instruction, small group activities all while building friendships and developing their social emotional skills and learning to problem solve.

Below is a sample schedule of our day.

 3k Sample daily schedule 

For more information about enrolling your child in 3K for the 2024-2025 year, please visit 3K Enrollment at New York City Public Schools.


At P.S./I.S. 173, we have four pre-kindergarten classes, each with one paraprofessional. Like 3K, we also use the Creative Curriculum which encourages learning through play: "Creative Curriculum is research-based curriculum that features hands-on, project-based investigations as a pathway to learning. It include 7 foundation volumes: foundation, interest areas, social emotional physical and cognitive, language and literacy, math, (science and technology, social studies and art), objectives for development and learning, birth through third grade." We have 9 topics we cover over the year. Our 9 topics we study include balls, trees, clothing, "reduce, reuse, recycle," buildings, wheels, exercise, and water. We assess students using the Teaching Strategies Gold as well.
Sample Schedule/Flow:
Morning meeting
Read aloud
 welcome to prek sign 
For more information about enrolling your child in Pre-K for the 2024-2025 year, please visit Prek Enrollment at New York Public Schools.